Abby's puppies to Peanut
4 weeks old
Previous: First week 1-2 weeks old 2-3 weeks old 3-4 weeks old
The biggest dog pup, 4 weeks 2 days old
and again
The bitch 4 weeks 2 days
Medium sized dog pup 4 weeks 2 days
Smallest dog pup 4 weeks 2 days -ears all silly
and again
4 weeks 4 days -getting big!!
The smallest dog pup (with normal ears now) and the biggest, exploring the pen
4 weeks 4 days
Smallest and biggest 4 weeks 4 days
4 weeks 5 days, exploring the big world (i.e. the living room)
Benjamin with the biggest pup
Benjamin talking to the bitch
"rescue me from the puppies!" says Bobby
Monty (wet after a bath) and Confetti the kitten come to say hello
Benjamin talking to the pups even though it looks like he's about to eat them! ("Delete that picture!" he said to me)
I'm a big tough Papillon and I'm going to be a police dog when I grow up so I'm practicing biting people!
(Biggest pup has probably spent too much time talking to the Malinois!)
Oh here's something else to bite
My friend Ripley
These legs are much bigger than mine
Another shoe to chew
The biggest pup (the kids took some of these photo by the way)
The bitch pup and the biggest dog pup exploring
I'm also a big tough Papillon and I'm going to EAT you! (Bitch)
The bitch
"You're a very funny looking Malinois puppy!" says Ripley to the bitch
I'm off
The bitch yet again
Bobby, meet the puppy bitch
Confetti checks out the smallest dog pup. Is it a mouse?
watching the mayhem from a safe distance
The bitch pup meets big (or little!) half sister Ella, and Confetti turns up again
I'm sure this is a clockwork mouse, says Confetti
Granny Ginny, bitch pup and half sister Ella
Granny Ginny with the medium sized dog pup and the bitch
Medium sized dog yawns at the bitch
OH look, says the medium dog pup, this looks like a good plaything!
Medium sized dog pup
I best practice a good stand for future shows
or maybe I should become a sniffer dog?
The medium sized dog pup
(when the flash isn't used all the photos get too grey, colours are much brighter for real)
Melanie with the medium sized dog pup (she took the photo herself as well)
uncle Monty wants to play
Ringo meets the medium dog pup and the bitch
Ripley, Ella, Confetti and the bitch pup
Ripley watching over the pups
the smallest dog and the bitch
and with Ripley
look, a water bowl as big as the ocean! Smallest dog pup
Mirror mirror in the bowl........
Ripley, Ella and the smallest dog pup
Don't move your feet!!
Medium dog pup in front of smallest
I'm tired now
(Yes it HAD been vacuumed that day, but it doesn't take long for hair to be everywhere again.........)
Who's afraid of the big GOOD wolf?
Shoes -good to chew
Smallest pup contemplating life
smallest dog pup
Let's see if we can carry this off
Oh mum is here -we can have a feed!!
NEXT : 5 weeks old