to Z
4: 2-3 weeks old
Previous: Pregnancy/birth
0-7 days old
1-2 weeks old
15 days old, all eating
And all tired at 15 days
16 days old -after the party! (Or rather dinner)
18 days old and ears are starting to go up on some of
the pups (Pink bitch)
Yawn!! (Pink)
19 days old and now we are trying actual dog food as
opposed to just raw minces, so we get used to a variety
of food
We're not impressed!
Let's leave the food and play instead
THIS is more interesting! A world outside the box! 19
days old.
20 days old and now they are giving us mince and dog
food mixed. Okay, somewhat better.
But nothing is quite as good as mummy's milk still!
20 days old
Crufts then got in between so no photos taken on the day
the pups turned 3 weeks.
NEXT: 3-4 weeks old