Abby's puppies to Peanut

10 weeks old

Previous: First week 1-2 weeks old 2-3 weeks old 3-4 weeks old 4-5 weeks old 5 weeks old 6 weeks old

7 weeks old 8 weeks old 9 weeks old

10 weeks 3 days old

10 weeks 6 days old

We have been fully vaccinated and are having an outing to the field with the big dogs for the first time

Gabriel and Bobby

Gabriel and Monty


Georgie and Molly



Georgie -little dog in a big world

Gideo, Monty, daddy Peanut (running), mummy Abby with Ripey in the background, Bobby

Gideon and Georgie

Gideon, Molly, big half sister Ella (back), mummy Abby and Bobby



John and Gideon

Melanie with Bobby on her lap, Tri boys to her left

Are you being followed?

Molly wears a collar for the first time

Molly at front


Georgie and daddy Peanut

Back home for a rest



Next: 11 weeks old